Showing 12 Result(s)

My Math Academy

An adaptive system for teaching math to students from Pre-K through to 2nd grades.Much of my time at Age of Learning was spent on this product; My Math Academy focused on identifying weaknesses in students’ mathematical intuitions and serving them games to help those students shore up whatever understanding they were missing. When I came …

Sweet Hyacinth and Bitter Dahlia

SHABD was a 2-year text-based Nobilis game that ran on Discord from 2020-2022. This was the project that kept me sane during this phase of the pandemic. Telling a story of two VERY different sets of godlings, SHABD explored both edges of the Nobilis universe: the exquisitely high concept and the relentlessly mundane. Swinging from …

Carcosa Under Black Stars

A weird horror setting for D&D, Carcosa Under Black Stars recalls the works of Robert W. Chambers, Aubrey Beardsley, and Oscar Wilde. It describes a world marked more by decadence than fantasy, where the horrific and the mundane rub elbows in the dark places of a city known for its dust, its placid, dark lake, …


Still in development. This city-history-building game is about creating a neighborhood in a city where each event etches itself on the face of the district. District is intended either as a stand-alone experience, or as something that players can use to generate settings for novels, role-playing games, or video games. As players determine the events …


Ducktective is a free one-page RPG that’s a hack of Grant Howitt’s Honey Heist. It’s a silly, fast-paced game where you and your friends must solve the theft of priceless Faberge eggs, containing a terrible secret, in a procedurally generated mansion filled with clues. Also, you and your friends are all ducks.This was a personal …

Control Scheme

Control Scheme is a personal favorite MFA project, combining electrical engineering, coding for Arduino, video game nostalgia, and a playful sensibility. Players were presented with an Atari joystick and a monitor, which showed a live feed of a nearby room. In the room were several assorted objects, along with myself. I would respond to inputs …

HeroCard: Rise of the Shogun

A territory control and supply line game built on the HeroCards collectible card game engine. Came complete with two expansions. Best-selling game of the HeroCards line. This was the first game I ever designed, and it introduced me to the thrill of finding elegant solutions to game mechanics. That moment when the mechanics clicked and …

HeroCard: Nightmare

An exploration game with a modular board where players controlled their own pieces but could also control opponents’ nightmares. A successful experiment in fusing our card game engine with horror mechanics, to try to evoke feelings of helplessness and doom. Role: Design Support

Martinis & Men

A casual matching game, perfect for parties, with a flirtatious theme. The design itself was fairly straightforward, but keeping the rules simple enough to be learnable at a party, while maintaining enough depth to be fun, was an interesting challenge. In this matchmaking game, players try to pair up characters from the cards in their …

Diner Dash 5: Boom!

Led design on the fifth installment of the Diner Dash series. The challenge with this project was how to build an experience that would expand what was possible in the Diner Dash universe while still maintaining the core audience’s engagement with a product they loved. The planning and prototyping phase was especially intense and led …