Showing 13 Result(s)

Diner Dash 5: Boom!

Led design on the fifth installment of the Diner Dash series. Release Date: March 2010 The challenge with this project was how to build an experience that would expand what was possible in the Diner Dash universe while still maintaining the core audience’s engagement with a product they loved. The planning and prototyping phase was …

Endless Web of Dreamers

An in-house project at UCSC, with a lead designer (myself), and engineer (the brilliant Gillian Smith), and a team of undergrad engineers, artists, and even a musician. This was an exciting, experimental project, fusing Gillian’s procedural level generator with my ideas around systemic exploration. Players manipulate the generator itself to build new types of levels …

Mystery Play: An Apocalyptic Celebration

Mystery Play was a week long Alternate Reality Game that I ran twice as my thesis project at UCSC. Release Date: June 2012 In the tradition of MFA projects, it was a woolly, wild experience, where I learned a lot in a short time. The story asked players to interact with twelve mysterious entities through …