It was deeply gratifying to get to work with The Game Academy (TGA) to make this scenario for Monte Cook’s Cypher System.
The Game Academy is a Bay Area non-profit that uses table top role playing games to help kids (mostly middle-school aged) discover their creativity and teach topics in social-emotional learning. Separation Anxiety was a week long tabletop RPG adventure for multiple tables, designed to run at TGA’s Summer Academy Program. The game told a story of disoriented multiplanar refugees who were searching for a universe that could support their population, as their own universe was in the process of decohering. Players were split into separate tables that, at first, seemed to be playing through totally separate stories. Upon discovering the refugees, however, players would realize that each table had a key role to play in the outcome of the story. At the end of the week, players had to work together across universes to solve the refugee crisis and distribute the population into worlds that could sustain them. I’m proud of what I achieved with this project and I would love to run it again for a new set of adventurers!
Role: Scenario Designer, Curriculum Designer